Saturday, February 24

Essential Reading

So I'll admit I've been dogging it lately on the posting. Busy with the day job and etc, etc.

But don't think for a second my mind hasn't been on baseball, quite the opposite. I've been spending a lot of time working on a system to rank players for the purposes of a keeper league (perhaps I'll try to put that up at some point). I've also been busily putting a bunch of irons in the fire for our upcoming draft (still a few weeks out).

So, in lieu of writing anything constructive, I figure I'll distract you all with links to other good places to read about baseball (and other things sports related).

Baseball Prospectus is obviously the daddy. I must admit, part of me pines for the early days of our league when I was the only person in possession of BP's 2002 Prospectus. Others quickly caught on and now it's become a staple. These guys charge in order to be able to view all the content, but believe me, you can get your moneys worth. There's some great info on there.

Another favorite of mine, which for some inexplicable reason others in my league haven't gotten hip to is The Hardball Times. These guys are a bit like Prospectus, but have their own unique spin on things.

Now a few biased ones: The Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, and the official Detroit Tigers website.

I also am a big fan of Deadspin. It's not purely baseball, it covers all sports, but it is always good for a laugh.

Lastly, I also like to go over to check out the guys at Fire Joe Morgan. If you hear Tim McCarver "announcing" and grit your teeth, you'll appreciate the way these guys lampoon announcers.

Anyway, once I my head back in the game, the frequency of these posts should pick back up....

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